Real Youtube Views

Creating a Good Video to Gain Real YouTube Views

Joining the YouTube platform is  simple yet huge step for your business. If you want to engage in successful vide marketing, the first step is to create a video with good quality. No matter how reliable your marketing strategies are, if your YouTube video has poor quality, you will not be able to maximize your resource investments.


How to Create High Quality YouTube Videos

Here are some tips to help you develop a marketing video:


  • Create a concise video. Ideally, the marketing video should be at most three minutes. Make sure that you are relaying the message in a direct to the point manner.
  • The first few seconds of the video should already tell the viewers what the video is all about. The message should be clear even if it is short.
  • The behavior that you want to encourage your viewers to do should be repeated all throughout the video, right from the beginning. If you want them to purchase your product, you should incorporate scenes in the video that directly or indirectly tell the viewers to do so.


These are only some of the factors that will help you gain more attention through real YouTube views. These are the flow aspects of the video. Now, here are the content aspects that you should also attain:


  • The content should be unique. If it is not possible since you have a similar product or service to offer as your competitors, make sure that the video tells the viewers what sets you apart from your competition.
  • The content should be perceived by the viewer as valuable, informative, engaging, useful, and relevant to what they are looking for. The viewer should find an element in the video to which they can connect with.
  • The information you provide through the video content should be easy to understand. Confusing the viewers will not do you any good.